Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tony Roma's

This was an interesting adventure. We ordered steak dinners (I know it is a rib place) and we had to send them both back. One of the steaks had to go back twice and it still was not done right. April ordered hers medium well, which came back that way the second time. I ordered mine well done (I also know that some people are against this but I will discuss it in a later post). The first time mine came back it was bleeding all over my plate, as well as the second time. The third time it came back it was medium well so I kept it, I was getting hungry. I gave up on my vegetables which were soaked in blood. I was also upset with them about the vegetables. The hostess told us that for the vegetable there was corn on the cob. We knew it probably wasn't Taber Corn (though it is a marketing scheme based off of Taber Corn) but we thought that it would be fun to have with our dinner. When the waiter brought us our dinner it was the usual cut waxed beans and carrots. You could tell they were frozen by the rubbery texture. When we asked him about the corn he told us we had to ask for it. We thought that strange since we were told the corn was the vegetable. We didn't make a big deal about it though because of the ordeal over the steaks.

Oh and the washrooms were a mess.

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